Trans-Tek Series 280 LVDTs位移传感器
Trans-Tek Series 280 LVDTs位移传感器产品资料:
Trans-Tek Series 280 LVDTs位移传感器,一款低成本AC型的直线位移传感器。
Measurement Ranges | ±0.05 to ±1.0 inches |
Maximum Non-Linearity | ±0.40% of Full Scale |
Housing Outer Diameter | 0.75 inches |
Operating Temperature Range | -50°F to +250°F |
Inner Diameter | 0.31 inches |
Frequency of Excitation | 1.0 kHz, 2.4kHz depending on model |

Trans-Tek Series 280 LVDTs位移传感器,基本型位移传感器,满足于位移的简单测量。Trans-Tek 0280-0000 Trans-Tek 0281-0000 Trans-Tek 0282-0000 Trans-Tek 0283-0000 Trans-Tek 0284-0000 欢迎来电咨询。